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Results 1-8 of 8 for David Hatch

Distilling ERP Data Into Tasty BI Brew

Globalization, supply chain complexity, and commodity and currency volatility combine to produce mountains of business data. In the past, just being able to collect and manage the data was task enough, but now companies are looking to mine the data mountain to drive actionable value. ...


Getting a Grip on Business Intelligence TCO

IT and business management are increasingly expressing alarm at rising costs associated with business intelligence (BI) implementations. The fear of hidden costs has kept many companies from making an investment, and many adopters have found that the costs related to ongoing support and maintenance of an ever-changing set of analytical and reporting requirements inhibits user penetration and the ability to manage the total cost of ownership (TCO)...

Microsoft BI: ‘Just Do It in Excel’

When Microsoft kicked off its second annual business intelligence (BI) summit in Seattle, it did so with the announcement of enhancing end-user BI capabilities with Gemini, an Excel-based interface that will enable on-the-fly pivot table functionality with point-and-click ease of use. ...


BI: Is One Version of the Truth Still Out There?

Many organizations spend months and endure significant costs to obtain the reporting and analysis capabilities that BI (business intelligence) technology promises, only to find that different "versions of the truth" still exist without any definite way of determining which one is real or accurate. This raises the question: Is "One Version of the Truth" achievable? The answer is a qualified "Yes," according to recent research from The Aberdeen Group...


Determining the Best BI Deployment Strategy

With the rapid advance of Software as a Service offerings, data warehouse or business intelligence appliances, and BI capabilities embedded within enterprise applications (enterprise resource planning, customer relationship management, business process management, etc.), companies are now faced with a variety of new deployment options for BI. Traditional on-premise software installations still prevail as the dominant method for BI deployment, but alternative approaches are rapidly taking root and gaining attention within the maturing BI marketplace...


Drawing a Business Intelligence Road Map for E-Tailers

David Hatch is a research director for the Aberdeen Group, where he focuses on the role of business intelligence in enabling the delivery of actionable information to the enterprise. He can be reached at [email protected] ...


What Good Is Business Intelligence if You Don’t Use It?

"We really want to reveal how retailers are utilizing their business intelligence solutions and if their challenges with data cleansing and analysis have changed since 2006," said David Hatch, the lead business intelligence analyst at the Aberdeen Group. "Retailers have increased their energy around gaining customer insight, but such efforts will fall short if retailers have not solved back-end data issues."


The BI Challenge: Send the Information Where It’s Needed

Organizations are being pressured to extend the delivery of actionable information to all people when, where and how they need it. This requires that companies have the ability to combine, aggregate and integrate information to ensure that it reaches its intended audience in the most timely and effective manner possible. Unfortunately, the business intelligence (BI) skill sets required to meet this demand are in limited supply, resulting in projects that are delayed, over budget, and often lacking the data and information necessary to meet business goals...

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